Friday, June 29, 2012

GOD HAS A PLAN for YOUR LIFE by Charles F. Stanley

FAVORITE QUOTES from the book:
1."While you may not know or understand all the twists and turns of life, you can be sure of one thing: the same God who breathed life into you loves enough to plan for your future."
2. "He may not like where your life is right now, but He is not going to abandon you(John 14:18). If you will trust Him, He will begin to work in your life. Then you will see His plan and will for your life unfold in a mighty way. This is His promise to each one of us."
3. Obedience always is the first step to discovering God's plan for your life.
4. One thing that can block us from fulfilling God’s promise for our lives is becoming entangled in what others think about what we are doing.
 5. ..experiencing the fullness of  God’s will is not something that happens immediately. It takes time- a lifetime.
6. God has a plan, and it should be our goal to live out that plan to the best of our knowledge and ability.
7. God sees the big picture of our lives and knows all that it will take to get us to a place where we will fulfill His will. He knows how He wants the events of our lives to end. He also knows how to position us so that we fulfill His plan and glorify Him.
8. Instead of thinking, What about me and my desires?, the right question to ask is, “Lord, what is Your desire for my life?
9. Can you say without a doubt that you are fully surrendered to the Lord so that He can reveal His will in and through your life?
11. He has a will for your life, and if you set a goal to be still before Him and study His Word, He will reveal it to you.
12. Both of these men (Abraham and Joseph) were given glimpses of God’s plan for their lives, but they had to “winter” with God and wait for His appointed time. Timing is everything to God. He knows the perfect moment to call to you and the perfect moment for you to answer Him.
13. Trusting God to supply all your needs is the key to walking each day in the center of His will.
God set up the circumstances in my life, and He provided the answer I needed exactly when I needed it the most (Ephesians 1:11)
14. No matter how badly you have messed up, He will take the broken pieces of your life and, with the glue of His unconditional love, put your life back together.
15. What is your deepest desire? Is it to know Jesus first? Or are you battling with feelings and desires that, if left unchecked, could lead you far from God’s planned purpose for your life? If this is the case, stop right where  you are and tell the Lord about the confusion you are feeling.
16. We may go through a season of mourning, but it will not last forever ( Ps. 30:5; 51:12). When we allow Him to move close to us, He will heal our hearts and shattered dreams and lead us on to a spacious place of blessing (Ps. 18:19).
18. Initially, God’s warning is very loud, and we feel uncomfortable. However, if we continue to ignore it, we will hear it less and less until we cannot hear His words of caution at all.
19. Sadly, the person who is living with a seared conscience will miss the joy and the peace that come from intimately knowing God and doing His will.
20. Common sense will never lead you in a direction that is contrary to God’s will and principles. If your common sense is tuned to God’s Word, it will shout a long and strong warning when you are headed in a wrong direction.
21. When we place our faith in God and take our hands off the problem, the need, the decision, or the relationship, He will work everything out according to His will for our lives in order to demonstrate His awesome power.
22. If we had waited until we knew everything would work out perfectly and according to our plans, then we would have been acting in our own strength.
23. There are a lot of mysteries to God's will- events in the past and those to come that we will not fully understand.  There will be some things that He shows us and other things that we will not know.
24. While it was a decision that I did not want to make, it certainly is one that I have never regretted.
25. Years later, as senior pastor to a spiritually strong and growing congregation, I can say without hesitation, if God is leading you to do something, don't resist Him. 
26.Get on board with His plan for your life.You will never regret obeying Him.He is the only One who has all the facts, knows all the truth there is to know, and has a wonderful plan in mind for your life.
27. "Make me know Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation" (Psalm 25:4-5). If you really want to catch God's attention, ask Him to "teach you more about His ways" as He guides you each day. 
28. He will not resist a heart that is fully submitted to Him.
29. Never count God out of your plans because He who holds the future also holds your hand.
30. You may think that somehow God has made a mistake and failed to keep His promise to you. He hasn’t. He has only just begun to work out His marvelous will for your life.
31. Instead of focusing on your cirmcumstances, learn to watch for God’s directive, and you will find a certain kind of peace for your heart and mind that is beyond anything this world knows.
32. Doubts, misbeliefs, listenting to those who are not living within the will of God, and many other things can work like a fast-moving undercurrent to pull  us off-course and away from God’s plan. Perhaps it is time for you to get off the raft and swim to shore  where you can once again have both feet on solid ground.
33. Cast your burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (Ps. 55:22). God’s presence in our lives is our sustaining peace (1 Peter 5:7).
34. No matter what the circumstances may be, His goal is to draw us closer to Him and position us for blessing by fulfilling His will for our lives.
35. What looks like tragedy to us will, over time, become a tool in God’s hands to shape our lives so that we will be more sensitive to His Spirit and to the needs of others.
36. When tragedy strikes, we will cry out, wondering if God sees or understands our plight. He does, but He may be waiting to see if we will trust Him or cower in fear.
37. Are you traveling through a difficult time in your life and wondering if you will survive? ..When difficulties come, when you don’t know the right decision to make at home or in your work, you can turn to the Person who has given you a promise and knows that you will make it over “to the other side”.
38. Be encouraged when difficulty comes, because either you are on the right path or God is in the process of making a course correction in your life. Either way, when you submit your heart and life to Him, you will continue to advance and come away with a great blessing.
39. “The golden rule for understanding spiritually is not intellect but obedience”-Oswald Chambers
40. God will allow you to come to the end of yourself..God breaks us in order to use us for a greater purpose.